5 reasons why you should start a podcast today!

3 min readJan 28, 2021

You have a small business and want to reach more potential clients.?

Having a podcast can bring you into contact with a possible audience previously untouched by your products or services. Here are 5 reasons why starting a podcast is a good idea;

  1. There are currently 1.715,080.000 active podcasts. The number of videos watched on Youtube every single day: 5 billion!!! The podcast world is still relatively small, therefore, when using the proper marketing tools, you have a better chance at being noticed, to have your episodes ranked higher, and grow your audience. More than half of all US consumers above the age of 12 listen to podcasts. The podcast market is growing exponentially as well in Europe and Asia. If there ever was a time to start a podcast, it is now.

2. Having a podcast is a great way to show potential and current clients that you are an expert in your field. By providing good content, have excellent interviews you build trust. Statistics show that more than half of podcast listeners are more likely to considering buying from a brand after hearing its advertisement in a podcast or consider the services offered by the host. By having a good call to action at the end of your show you can tell people what to do next. For example: to go to your website, buy your e-book, book a call or consult or go to your brick and mortar building.

3. A podcast can be an extra source of information on social media. By sharing the podcast episodes on social media you have another unique content stream that can lead to more followers, more exposure, more click-through to your website.

4. Setting up a podcast is relatively inexpensive. The initial costs are significantly less compared to creating videos. You need a good room to sit in, a good microphone, and a few other bits and pieces and you are off to a good start. You can even create a podcast episode on your mobile phone but I would not recommend that. As with everything it is important to have good quality. And good quality audio and good quality editing of the recording are important reasons why people will return to your podcast and subscribe.

5. And last but not least; You can make money with your podcast. Podcast advertising revenues are expected to surpass $1 billion in 2021. Advertisement is not the only way to make money. You can have special membership episodes. You can have a sponsor, affiliate marketing, and of course indirect revenue by sales of your products and services, coaching opportunities, and sales of e-books and courses.

I have created a “podcast launch” plan to make starting a podcast easy. I will take care of the technical and administrative tasks so you can right away focus on the audience you want to reach, the goals you want to achieve with the podcast, and start creating a content calendar. Together we will work on launching your podcast in a successful and structured way.

For those of you who want to know more about launching a podcast with me I can offer a free 15-minute chat, no obligation involved. Go to www.thepodcastjourney.com book a call and let’s discuss your upcoming podcast adventure.!




Helping coaches, finance professionals, and small businesses set up their podcast and assist podcasters with guest management, editing, publication etc.